Zorana Duffy
“Teya, thank you for coaching me back to my wholeness and leanness. This has been a profound journey for me, unraveling and finally healing my beliefs and patterns that were keeping me stuck in my fatness armour with increasing anger, frustration, pain and desperation.
With your kinesiology you have helped me accept the most unacceptable in my life. This acceptance was the profound step that helped me do it all. Your fat loss coaching supported and balanced me throughout the program and I finally overcame my sabotaging habits which kicked in every time I lost some weight. This has truly been an amazing journey, on so many levels.
When I finally did your nutritional fat loss plan, it was easier than I ever realised. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and immobilised, for the first time in my life, I knew t I’d get there. I just followed and stuck to my plan based on my Metabolic Typing, with no hunger, no sabotage. .50 kilos of fat and the emotional baggage that went with it. My struggle with weight issues is finally over. The excellent results are continuing. The most amazing thing is that even going through the illness and death of my mother I didn’t turn to food to deal with my emotions, something I turned to immediately in the past..
Thank you Teya…I am where I’ve always wanted to be and the success and power I feel is the reward in itself as well as a gorgeous size 12 wardrobe down from size 24″.
Zorana Duffy
Learning and Development Consultant
Consultant 2007