Success Case Studies

Some Beautiful Voices From Our Clients

Chris Carr

“I was recommended to Teya by another satisfied  client who completed her successful quit smoking program. At the time I had been smoking heavily for 14 years, felt very unhealthy and needed to make a positive change.

I can honestly say making the decision to complete this treatment was the best decision I have ever made. I was sceptical at first, as I had wondered how I could just let go of a 14 year habit in just one session, but Teya did it! I left that session, 3 years have passed and I have not touched another cigarette to this day! 🙂

Teya is also very successful in her life coaching sessions. I have completed  12 sessions with Teya in the last few years and attribute my improved attitude and well-being to the time I have spent with her. She is genuine, empathetic, understands her clients’ needs and delivers results! She is amazing!

I completely trust in Teya’s ability to help people and as a result, will continue to recommend my friends and family to engage in her services.”

Chris Carr
November 10, 2015

Christine Forziati Garforth

“Prior to my monthly session with Teya, I can have physical tension such as headaches, sore neck, shoulder aches and sore throat. Until recently, I would put these symptoms down to an oncoming virus or some other external reason. I know now, that after a session with Teya doing EFT or kinesiology, these symptoms completely disappears (immediately after the session, or within 1-2 days after. 

Through EFT and tapping, Teya has helped me let go of so much stored pain, (emotional and physical). Teya has helped me to understand how my body stores stress and how that affects me physically (headaches, poor digestion, sleeplessness and muscle aches). I can witness these ailments now and know that there is something I need to deal with emotionally. 

Every month I have a session with Teya and the benefits – I feel quite relaxed and ready for the month ahead. 

I have learned so much about myself, and have grown to understand how ‘we humans’ work! I am learning the gift of acceptance… of myself and those around me. I am learning to let go of my habit of ‘controlling’ others and I now accept responsibility for my actions. Most importantly, I worry much LESS about the future and the past! I am enjoying life in the present MORE!

What a wonderful way to work through a lifetime of limiting beliefs! Teya, a brilliant practitioner and a great teacher. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Christine Forziati Garforth

Dean Pistilli

“August 30, 2012 Teya has a depth of experience and knowledge in the areas of corporate and individual wellness and health sciences. I enjoyed her Meditation class recently at WEA, which was a fun and interesting day.”

Dean Pistilli
Senior Business Analyst

Ed Law

“This is the best solution if you are ready, and want to quit smoking! I have been smoking for 12 years and have tried every ‘text book’ method and they either just don’t work, too hard, or only temporarily. Just 60 minutes with Teya, and you won’t even feel like one! The great thing about it is that it is completely personalised to your situation, and most importantly, it is for good. It’s been more than 12 months without having a single puff, and before this I was on a pack a day. Absolutely life-changing, well-worth the money spent and you’ll feel like a completely new person with no stress. I recommend this to anyone who is SERIOUS about quitting smoking” 

Ed Law, Account Manager Sydney NSW
Ed Law
Sydney, Australia

Emily Anderson

“With a  profound understanding of the human experience, Teya has an astounding ability to get to the bottom of deep rooted issues, the ones that cause chronic symptoms and to clear them.  She has a vast understanding of subconscious mind and suppressed emotions, and how they affect a person on all levels.  I have worked with several other EFT coaches, with a decent amount of success, but Teya is the first to understand, and clear with ease, my deepest issues that just a matter of weeks ago kept me limping and fumbling through life.  I am now quickly becoming the person that I knew I had inside me, and longed to become.

Teya was able to read between the lines of what I said, and understood what the real issues were—which I had been at a complete lost to figure out on my own.  Now that those issues are cleared, many self defeating habits that I was unable to change are no longer a part of my life.  I am so much more at peace now, and I can handle so much more than I used to!!  What an enormous relief for me.  My life has a wonderful new flow to it now!” Thank you Teya

Mechanical Engineer Student 2011

Emily Anderson

Geoff Woods

“After going through a torturous and stressful family break-up, rather than thinking of myself as a survivor, I was an existor. Each day I was waking up tired, being lethargic throughout the day, having only enough energy to plonk myself in front of TV in the evening. 

My visits to doctors revealed only frustrations listening to weird diagnosis and no real certainty in their deliberations. Needless to say I was finding it difficult to perform at work – my job as helicopter aircrew was something I had worked hard for and did not want to give up easily.

Through a sequence of events only the universe can explain, I found Teya’s brochure. It made sense and I decided to give it a try. I have since had 6 kinesiology sessions and the transformation after each one has been extraordinary. I am now at ease in any environment and situation – nothing has been overwhelming. 

Challenges still face me and now I power through them without hesitation. My daily routine now sees me up at 5am for a workout and I am being productive, until late at night. I love life and I am extremely grateful for meeting Teya and her masterful ability to practice kinesiology.”

Geoff Woods
Australian Navy Defence