Michelle Leslie

“The first time that I went to see Teya was with regards to my diet and metabolic typing.   By making changes and exclusions in my diet my whole outlook changed.  I stopped getting bloated in the stomach and hungry all of the time.   Life seemed to slow down as I was eating the wrong foods for my type and life was way too fast.  After almost 2 years now, I definitely know right from wrong with regards to my diet.  I am still fine tuning things, but at least I know why.  Don’t try diets they just don’t work, you need to listen to your body.   For years I had been having problems with my husband and my homelife was not a very happy place at all.   Once again Teya coached me with EFT tapping and relationship issues.  All I can say is that you “saved me “.  Without you I would have been a lost cause for myself and my 3 year old daughter.   After being separated for over 8 months now I am now back on track and feeling better than I have in my whole life.    I have opened myself up to a new relationship and now have a wonderful man in my life.   Just by being open and willing to learn and listen and let the universe work it’s magic.  Have visions and dreams and ask for the things that you want in life,  AND GUESS WHAT YOUR DREAMS DO COME TRUE. Thanks Teya you truly are an amazing coach and  nutritionist. Couldn’t have done it without you and just imagine that life will only get better and I am not going to stop asking!!!! 

Michelle Leslie
Personal Trainer Dare to be Active