Valerie Jack

“I first met Teya at her meditation workshop in 2006 and decided to attend her kinesiology clinic.  While I felt I was enjoying fairly good health for an “older person” I was suffering quite a lot of stress and pain.  After only one session the severe sciatic pain in my right hip had vanished and now for the first time in 10 years I can sleep on my right side.  After the second session my long-standing lower back pain was gone and since the last session, my persistent muscular pain in my arm has been relieved as well.  With Teya’s guidance I have lost several kilos of fat and have a very much reduced blood pressure reading, much to the delight of my GP.  I’m feeling great, both physically and emotionally.  Teya has wonderful healing ability and I believe she can help in alleviating any problem.”

Valerie Jack